I, Skye Hatten, have been blessed with the opportunity to join six incredible Montana photographers on a little adventurous blogging project. The project is entitled “What ______ looks like.” As for the point…each month we will each choose to fill in the blank with a word (or words) of our choice. On the third Monday of each month, we will all be sharing a selection of photos on our blogs. The goal: to capture moments that WE will cherish and create images that will fuel the creative fire that often can be at a smoldering stage <hand high in air>. Admittedly, I’ve been looking forward to this project for a while. So, when you’re all through here, be sure to check out what Alicia Fry and Kelly Kuntz are up to.
It is indeed that time again! This month has been busy, busy, busy. We made a little time this weekend to camp with friends and family…lots of fun but it’s now time to play a little catch-up!
So now, I present “What lake camping looks like.”
OMG! I’ll be the first to say on blog how great a time we had. You have fantastic friends…made for a really memorable weekend. They definitely keep you laughing. Really, really love these photos Skye. Almost like we’re still on vacation.