So, I know I really shouldn’t dive into certain thought processes, however, I just couldn’t help but realize the seniors I’m photographing this year are exactly half my age. And you know what? I couldn’t help but reminisce a bit. Living it up, I tell ya. Cruising in the1988 white Ford Taurus listening to some Boyz II Men and TLC. And if you think the cool factor stops there, you’re wrong. You can count on the fact that I had on a sleek pair of white Girbaud jeans with a waistband nearly a foot above my bellybutton. Oh, and yes, most certainly, I’m drinking a blue raspberry slurpee from the 7-11 because of course, I find the coca cola slurpee just plain gross. Anyway, just thought I would share.
Also, I want to share a little peek from this senior session. I have to say that he did great and most certainly survived being in front of the camera…AND we all survived the thunderstorm that sent us running! Thanks guys for a fun session, for the flip flops (his girlfriend so kindly offered me her shoes to wade in the river) and for carrying all my stuff (including my shoes!)…can’t wait to show you what else we came up with!