“Who’s there?” you say?
“Amos who?”
Amos-quito bit me.
Okay, make that MANY mosquitoes bit me. Don’t tell my mom though because she wouldn’t be very happy about it AND she would chase me around with a cotton ball dipped in alcohol trying to disinfect each bite. I just love that lady! 😉
So, I have to admit, I have a heaping stockpile of images to share from my sessions this year…stick around this winter because I’ll certainly have to go on a sharing mission. In the mean time, a little glimpse into this session. We conquered the world with this one…LOTS of fun stuff headed her way soon! One thing is certain, she absolutely HAS to be one of the sweetest individuals I’ve met…SO kind and good manners spilling out of her. I just felt lucky for this opportunity! Oh, and just in case you missed it, be sure to check out a first favorite here.
Very funny! But, you are sooo right! BTW, love these photos…lovely girl.