Hello, friends.
Happy Friday to you.
Is this summer not just cruising by???! I would say that I’m really sad but I’m admittedly only half sad. I’ve decided that I live in an area of the world with four seasons for a reason. If it was summer all the time, I may feel compelled to drink microbrew beer and eat camping food, well, pretty much all the time. AND for the record, I’m not an educator but I do have THIS piece of advice to share…Drinking microbrew beers and eating camping food makes ones clothing shrink. Oh, and working out doesn’t give one the right to eat WHATEVER they want. I know someone who has been doing these things and yeah…totally chubby. Don’t say I didn’t warn you and most certainly no need to thank me for these wise words.
Further discussing summer…I believe we are finally at a point where we can finally exhale. Between softball, t-ball, camping, and vacation, it was only last night that I was elated to have been making dinner that didn’t either begin in a frozen state OR carry a Mexican flair. Even Mr. Hatten walked in the door with his first words being “Wow. What are you doing THAT for?” A hint of sarcasm to say the least. I would have said something of a snotty nature in return had those same words not ran through my head minutes prior.
Aside from those particular summer family activities, I would be doing a complete disservice to not ALSO mention that the Hattens have been able to catch in a couple blockbuster hits recently. We went to Despicable Me 2, which I have to say had me smiling the entire time. I’m pretty much convinced that I simply adore those movies. As for the super-hit we just watched, that would be the much-anticpated…….Disney Teen Beach Movie!!! (SCREAMS) The Hatten children have only been talking about this upcoming event FOR, like, EVER! And did YOU know that we NEED tickets to L.A. because if we go there, we could meet the characters of Disney Teen Beach Movie??? Whoa, yeah! Oh, wow…I DO have to say that upon finishing the movie, my kiddos loved it. Mr. Hatten, on the other hand, hmmmmmmm, not so much. Rather than pay attention to the shakes he was experiencing without the remote resting upon his hand, he opted to pass out and breathe with his mouth open, only to be ‘kindly’ awaken by his children to please skip through the commercials as we were watching from DVR. At one point, he did indicate that this movie was a “tear-jerker.” Hmmmmm, I’m experiencing a more clear picture now, yes, he went to sleep to avoid weeping in front of us. Yes, mmmm, hmmmm.
So, it’s Friday. This week I experienced a birthday. It was a good day. Heck, it’s been a good week. I’m a bit sleep-deprived, occasionally cranky at my children who are getting on each other’s nerves, and as I mentioned earlier, a bit on the chubby side if you will. But THIS week, I feel pretty darn lucky and blessed. I get to enjoy being a mom to two crazy critters that make my heart skip and I get to share each moment with their dad, who I kinda like as well. 😉 I also have incredible friends and family that surround me and support me even when I think I don’t need any. Sure, life throws punches at times. I’ve had dark days and low points, some that last a little longer than I would prefer. We all have. But Maya Angelou said this:
“The ship of my life may or may not be sailing on calm and amiable seas.
The challenging days of my existence may or may not be bright and promising.
Stormy or sunny days, glorious or lonely nights, I maintain an attitude of gratitude.
If I insist on being pessimistic, there is always tomorrow. Today I am blessed.”